Techniques for planting and caring for acacia tree leaves
Acacia is a multi-purpose tree. This is also the raw material for making wood chips for paper production. Let’s refer to LEC Energy’s technique of planting and caring for acacia acacia leaves to bring the best yield.

Acacia is a multi-purpose tree, wood for building materials, household furniture, and raw materials for the technology of plywood and chipboard. Especially wood has a high pulp potential, 275-285 kg of pulp/m3. Wood has a high calorific value of 4,800 kcal/kg, so it is used as a fuel in the production of activated carbon and as firewood.
Roots develop, capable of symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Five-year-old plantations on degraded basalt soil with a density of 1,600 trees/ha can create 380-570 kg of nodules/ha/year and fix 15-34 kg of N/ha/year. The foliage is thick and dense, prevents raindrops, and has good erosion control.
Acacia is used to grow in models of farm forestry and movement forestry in many places, especially now it is grown in sandy soils that are flooded with one season of water in the North Central region.
1. Planting and caring
– Planting season:
Depending on the location, choose the planting season: The Northern provinces and Thanh Hoa grow the spring-summer crop (March-May), the autumn crop can be expanded (July-August). Central coastal provinces plant autumn-winter crops (September-November). The Central Highlands and Southern provinces planted at the beginning of the rainy season (May-June). Choose a day with light rain, shade or light sunshine, the soil in the hole is moist enough for planting.
– Food handling
Where vegetation is sparse, less than 1m high, fully distributed, fresh, arranged in contour lines or piled, burned locally, but must be prevented from spreading fire. Where there is dense vegetation, over 1-2 m high, spread in 2 m wide bands along contour lines. Clean and arrange on the cover of the tape leaving the contour line.
– Land preparation
Where the slope is below 15 0 to make the soil comprehensively by underground plowing, if intercropping agricultural crops, use pan plow, then hoe a hole size 30 x 30 x 30 cm. On slopes above 15 0 manual, local, digging holes of size 40 x 40 x 40 cm on the ice cleared of vegetation along contour lines. Digging and backfilling must be completed 7-10 days before planting.
– Planting method and density
+ Planting method depends on the goal of afforestation, but it is possible to plant pure species or mixed species in narrow strips with native large timber trees.
+ Planting density: Upstream protection forests plant 2,500-3,300 trees/ha, greening bare hills 2,200-2,500 trees/ha, forests providing raw materials for fiber paper plant 1,600-2,000 trees/ha.
– Manuring
In combination, when filling with soil, fertilize each hole with 100-150g NPK (5:10:3) or 200-300g microbial fertilizer or a mixture of 50g NPK (5:10:3) + 100-150g microbial organic fertilizer.
– Take care of
Planting dead trees after planting 8-10 days, ensuring survival rate over 95%. Care for 3 consecutive years:
+ In the first year, take care of 2 times: 1st time after planting 1-2 months, cut vines, spread vegetation over the entire area, spread grass and cultivate around the root with a diameter of 80cm. The second time in October-November, spread invasive vegetation and cultivate around the tree with a diameter of 80cm. Autumn-winter crops are only cared for once in October-November.
+ 2nd year, 3 times care: 1st time in March-April, same care for 1st year. First apply each root 200 g NPK (5:10:3) or 500 g microbial organic fertilizer. The second time in July-August, complete vegetative distribution, weeds are cultivated around the base of 1 m, pruned branches at the trunk to a height of 1 m. The third time in October-November, distribute vegetation around the 1 m wide stump.
+ In the 3rd year, take care of 2 times: 1st time in March-April, vegetate the entire area, pruning to a height of 1.5-2.0 m. The grass around the base is 1 m wide, the second application is the same as the first application, but the slit is 40-50 cm from the root. The second time is in July-August, spreading vegetation throughout the area, cutting down pests and diseases, spreading weeds around the base of the tree.
– Pest control:
Acacia melaleuca leaves are damaged by powdery mildew and powdery mildew. In places where the disease is scattered, diseased plants must be uprooted and burned. In places where pests and diseases are concentrated, they must be caught and destroyed, sprayed with insecticides or combined.
– Prevention of forest fires and other harms :
Make fireproof white ice, 8-10m wide, iron or spread out the vegetation on the ice before the dry season. Do not light a fire in the forest. It is strictly forbidden to cut down trees, not to let buffaloes and cows destroy forests.

2. Exploiting and processing
Only with planted forests that provide wood fiber and large timber, it is necessary to thin out. With plantation density of 1,600 trees/ha, conducted twice. When the forest is 6-8 years old, prune 1/3-2/5 of the trees that are pinched, bent, and diseased. When the forest is 10-15 years old, pruned for the second time, keeping 400-500 trees/ha with the straightest body shape, the biggest height, the height under the big branches.
Which company is buying acacia in bulk?
Currently, LEC Energy has been purchasing large quantities of acacia acacia wood and wood chips for export. Suppliers, companies with output, please contact LEC Energy sales department directly for advice on implementing sales contracts.
CÔNG TY CỔ PHẦN LEC ENERGYHotline: 0937 683 136
WhatsApp: (+84) 907 515 755
Street 4, Phu My 1 IZ, Ba Ria – Vung Tau Province